9.5 C
Cumartesi, Mart 29, 2025

Sun Tekstil 48 bin adet SUNTK payını geri aldı

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Messe Frankfurt is one of the most successful global players in its sector and the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds. The Group employs approximately 2,500 people at 28 locations around the globe. With boundless passion and a wealth of experience, we have been active in the international trade fair business, both in Frankfurt and worldwide, for some 800 years. From automotive to logistics, from textiles to music, from energy efficiency to security, from homes to beauty – Messe Frankfurt’s programme of trade fairs, congresses and other events is extremely comprehensive. With our events we meet highest quality standards and create global interfaces between the industry, commerce, politics, services and consumer goods sectors. With its comprehensive corporate strategy about the complex question of sustainability, Messe Frankfurt has ushered in a transformation process aiming to reduce the event industry’s carbon footprint. The right people, the right encounters at the right place – this is the basis on which we design our events. We look forward to having you on board as a guest, customer and partner.

Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1 60327 Frankfurt am Main Germany

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