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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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The Vision That Makes Yeşim Textile Different

AdvertorialThe Vision That Makes Yeşim Textile Different

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Şenol Şankaya
Şenol Şankaya

Yeşim Textile exports more than 90% of their production to European and American export markets, and is one of the most valuable manufacturers in the industry with their advanced integrated facility and production power in Bursa. The company set a vision up for the industry with top quality production and a sustainable approach.

Yeşim Textile produces for the leading apparel and fashion brands of the world with a strong structure and long-standing background. Founded in 1983, the company now manufactures one-fourth of the garment and apparel exports by Bursa alone. Being an important actor in the industry with 2 thousand 800 employees in a total area of 325 thousand square meters of which consists 144 thousand square meters closed and 181 thousand square meters of open areas, Yeşim Textile is reaching up to global markets with their rich product portfolio and strength. The company has a daily production capacity of 100 thousand pieces of home textiles with 50 tons of knitting, 60 tons of dyeing, 100 thousand meters of printing and 150 thousand pieces of garment, and continue their growth in the market.

Şenol Şankaya, CEO of Yeşim Textile, answered the questions of Textilegence and shared important information about the company’s sectoral development and production. Reminding that Yeşim Textile achieved 20% growth and 15% increase in 2017, Şankaya said; “If we consider that our industry has grown in the 3.5-6% band, this figure shows that we have a very good performance”. Stating that they made exports worth 280 million dollars in 2017, Şankaya continued as follows; “In 2017, we set the targets for the next 5 years. At the end of 2022, we plan to reach $ 600 million in sales. Our export target for the end of 2018 is 300 million dollars. 90% of production goes to export. We closed the year 2018 with 15% growth.”

Target is to grow by 15-20% in 5 years

Şenol Şankaya said that Yeşim Textile is one of the four largest integrated facilities in the world garment industry, which can perform all operations from yarn to final product under the same roof. As one of Bursa’s leading garment and textile exporters, Şenol Şankaya said that Yeşim Textile focused on R&D and design in order to protect their market, and noted that the company has continued to improve its facilities regarding lean production and management. Şankaya; “In this direction, as of 2018, Yeşim Textile has set a significant growth target of 15-20% within the next 5 years. We set our new strategy for 3 and 5 years. To date, we have tried to be a pioneer in our sector with quality manufacturing by investing in the work force and technology”.

Referring to the rising exchange rate levels Şankaya announced that the variable structure of the exchange rates have put a strain on them. Şankaya said; “We do not want uncertainty as exporters. Although export-oriented industries such as textiles and garment are generally sensitive to exchange rates, it is not the only factor affecting profitability. Factors such as the customer portfolio and the added value of the product you manufacture also come into play.”

“As Yeşim Textile, even though we have not developed a special preventive mechanism against these exchange rate fluctuations; we also attach importance to the stability of all our stakeholders in our production ecosystem; as well as the overall stability of our suppliers. The sensitive process, which has an intense impact on the global conjuncture of the world’s leading political actors; and the rising exchange rates or high inflation in our country; also raises some questions about the future. However, Turkey’s current manufacturing power and vision of the future, give hope to business representatives”.

Yeşim Textile is an exemplary company in sustainability

The Vision That Makes Yeşim Textile Different
The Vision That Makes Yeşim Textile Different

Şenol Şankaya reminded that they attach great importance to social responsibility and sustainability studies as Yeşim Textile; and stated that they have reported their studies on this subject for many years. “Sustainability is one of Yeşim Textile’s priorities,” Şankaya said, and continued his words; “We have been selected a pilot company for the common model; where the world famous apparel brands will supervise the suppliers with a single social compliance audit; and we were the first company to get audited accordingly in Turkey. In addition; our 9th report on the social compliance and responsibility activities carried out under the Global Compact in 2018; was published on the website of the United Nations; and shared with the public. We also have other serious studies on these issues”.

Stating that Yeşim Textile carried out the necessary investments to realize environmentally friendly production a long time ago; Şankaya said that ‘Green Factory’ approach has achieved significant success towards decreasing energy use; and increasing waste reduction and recovery. Şankaya; “We have established our own treatment facility in 2000; and it is among the first examples in its field; with its water treatment capacity of 7 thousand tons per day; and its structure in international standards. With the ‘Recycling of Printing Machine’s Blanket Washing Water Project’; we aim to save 800 daily, 20 thousand monthly and 250 thousand tons of water annually. In the framework of the project, we achieved 182 thousand tons in 2017; 203 thousand tons in 11 months in 2018, and 385 thousand tons in total. In addition, our wastewater is monitored 24 hours online by the Metropolitan Municipality of Bursa”.

Disclosing that they established their R&D department in 1999, Şankaya underlined that they have realized many works in this field with smart fabrics, organic, recycled and innovative fabrics. Reminding that they established an R&D center in 2017, Şankaya added that 2% of their total turnover was allocated to R&D activities and this ratio was 2-2,5% in 2018.

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