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Turkish Products Have A Strong Sense in Export

TopicalTurkish Products Have A Strong Sense in Export

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While the satisfaction ratio with Turkish products in export markets is 62% the most satisfaction received from England, France and India. Thanks to this succes, textile industry contributed to the rising of Turkey’s image as a country.

Turkish Export Products Perception and Image Research  conducted by The Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM) reveals very important findings about Turkish products. A face to face interview was performed with purchasing managers of total 2.520 companies in 26 countries with most export rate in 6 major sector groups for this research. Examined in three main axes, this research evaluated not only Turkish Export Products Perception and Image Research but also Turkey Discover the Potential Campaign’s Awareness and Perception of Activity. Started in October 2016 with Kantar TNS company, in this study major sectors; automotive ship yacht, metal glass ceramic, woods, food, electric machinery, chemical materials and textile carpet leather were examined.

%62 of the research participants satisfied with Turkish Products

While the satisfaction ratio with Turkish products in export markets is 62% the most satisfaction received from England, France and India.
While the satisfaction ratio with Turkish products in export markets is 62% the most satisfaction received from England, France and India.

Announcing the results of the study TIM President Mehmet Büyükekşi stated these about Turkish Export Products Perception part; “62% of the research participants said that they were particulary satisfied with Turkish products. Countries with the most satisfaction rates are England 85%, France 77%,  and India %74. In EU in which we perform half of our export, this rate is 5.9%. Our EU rate was decreased by Netherlands, Poland and Germany. Our exporters should pay special attention to these countries.” Büyükekşi pointed out the fact that even though Germany has always been in the first rank in Turkey’s export, satisfaction rate is below the average.

Declaring that the biggest satisfaction ratio in sectoral basis is in electric-machinery segment with 65% rate, Büyükekşi continued; “However the satisfaction ratio at all sectors are close to each other and very high. It changes between 61%-65. Still, we set much bigger goals for ourselves. We say that we will come to 85% rates.”

Stating that the choice rate of Turkish exported goods is 55%, Büyükekşi who pointed out that a 35% mass can also prefer Turkish products under suitable circumstances, defined these firms as potential buyers.Recording that the choice rate in EU is at a low rate as 52%, Büyükekşi announced that despite of this, the market share in Europe raised from 1,2% to 51,28 compared to the last year.

Textile Sector Contributed to Already High Country Image

Explaining that in the Turkey Image Research part of the study, the rate of those who find Turkey’s image positive is 60%, Büyükekşi said that our image is high in Spain, Germany and India. Büyükekşi continued thusly; “In EU this rate is above 60% average with 65%. In terms of sectors; our two sector groups where Turkey’s image is the highest are Chemical Materials and Textile, Carpet, Leather with 63% rate.

Stating that they examined the awareness of Turkey Brand, the satisfaction level and the thoughts about Turkey in the last part Turkey Discover the Potential Campaign’s Awareness and Perception of Activity, Büyükekşi pointed out that the brand awareness rate was increased to 41%. Consequently, saying that export products image are defined as positive in international markets, Büyükekşi said that there should be more investment to R&D, innovation, branding and design.

Important Findings;

*Among the criterias in all countries and sectors; the affordability of prices, quality, trust, suitability to international standards and exchange rate advantages came to the forefront.

*The rate of those who say they prefer/may prefer Turkish exported goods are usually 90% and higher. The countries with higher rates of  statement of definitely (firstly) prefer Turkish exported goods are Egypt, Azerbaijan, Italy and Turkmenistan.

*The awareness of Logo/Slogan is above 41%. The sector with the lowest rate of that criteria is Food sector with 35%. Countries with the lowest awareness rates are Australia, South Africa and Belgium.

*Having a strong and stable economy and high-graded human resources are primary image perception criterias about Turkey. The other criterias follow these very closely. The countries where Turkey comes to the forefront as a strong and stable economy are Germany, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

*Those who find Turkey’s image as positive is above 60%. The countries where this rate is the highest are Germany, Italy, Spain, France, India and Turkmenistan and the countries with the lowest rate are Canada and England.

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