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Textilegence January February 2025 issue is now available!

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Top 100 Award for Mayer & Cie.

KnittingTop 100 Award for Mayer & Cie.

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Mayer & Cie. girişimciliği ve yenilikçi tavrıyla Top 100 ödülüne layık görüldü
Mayer & Cie. girişimciliği ve yenilikçi tavrıyla Top 100 ödülüne layık görüldü

Knitting machine manufacturer is one of Germany’s most innovative companies.

Mayer & Cie. is one of Germany’s most innovative small and medium-sized enterprises. The knitting machine manufacturer was presented with a Top 100 award on 24 June, entitling Mayer & Cie. to count itself as a member of the German elite in this segment. The long-established company won the award for its innovation management and successful innovation, the latest of which is the spinitsystems spinning and knitting technology. Top 100 mentor Ranga Yogeshwar presented the award on Friday evening in Essen to Benjamin and Sebastian Mayer, representing the family that owns the firm.

Outstandingly innovative

“We are delighted to have been named one of the Top 100 companies in Germany,” said Sebastian Mayer, the Mayer & Cie. director in charge of corporate development. “This accolade confirms that we are indeed fulfilling our claim to be an innovation driver in the circular knitting machine sector.”

In recent years, spinitsystems technology has mostly topped the development department’s agenda. Mayer & Cie. unveiled the series production-ready machine, the Spinit 3.0 E, at the industry’s leading trade fair in 2015. The company has succeeded with this totally new approach in combining the spinning and knitting process in one machine. The Top 100 jury saw this as proof of Mayer & Cie.’s unconventional approach. The jury was also impressed by the tenacity with which Mayer & Cie. pursues its innovation objectives. Top 100 awards are not made for individual products but for a company’s overall performance – and Mayer & Cie.’s overall performance is impressive.

Innovation as part of how the company sees itself

At Mayer & Cie. innovation has always been a part of how the company sees itself. “Always a step ahead of the rest was the maxim of my grandfather Emil Mayer, who ran the company for about 40 years,” said Sebastian Mayer, a member of the fourth generation of Mayers to run the family firm. To do so the knitting machine manufacturer invests five to six per cent of its annual sales revenue in research and development. That is an above-average figure for the industry, and about seven per cent of the firm’s employees work in development and design. At the time of writing the company holds or has applied for more than 300 patents. The spinitsystems technology alone accounts for about 50 national and international patent applications.

Innovative in good company

With the Top 100 award Mayer & Cie. is in good company. This year’s Top 100 includes 32 world and 97 national market leaders. Innovations and improvements launched over the past three years account for around 40 per cent of their sales revenue. The average for German SMEs is 6.6 per cent. Between them the 238 award-winning companies hold over 2,300 patents. So it is hardly surprising that this mobility and “restlessness” is reflected in their corporate development. Between 2012 and 2014 the Top 100 companies grew 28 per cent faster than their respective industry average, according to the Top 100 organisers.

About Mayer & Cie.

Mayer & Cie. (MCT) is a leading international manufacturer of circular knitting machines. The company manufactures the entire range of machines required for making modern textiles. Fabrics for home textiles, sportswear, nightwear and swimwear, seat covers, underwear and technical uses are made on MCT knitting machines.

Founded in 1905, Mayer & Cie. generated sales of EUR 91 million in 2015 with about 330 employees, according to preliminary figures. In addition to its headquarters in Albstadt, Germany, and subsidiaries in Brazil, China and the Czech Republic, Mayer & Cie. is represented by sales partners in many countries. 2015 Group sales totalled around EUR 100 million, generated by a workforce of about 450 employees.

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