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Textilegence November December 2024 issue published

TopicalTextilegence November December 2024 issue published

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Textilegence November December 2024 issue concludes the year with the latest news, exclusive interviews and event news from the textile and printing world. Although the Turkish textile recorded a 2.3% decrease in exports in the first 10 months of the year compared to the same period of the previous year, it achieved significant success with export increases of up to 70% in some markets and its rise to 2nd place in the global bedding industry. It is seen that there is dynamism in the sector worldwide with the exhibitions organised on a global and local basis.

In this issue, our exclusive interviews with industry leaders await you: Sun Chemical Business Development Manager Çağlayan Erakman, in our interview at SIGN Istanbul 2024, shared the details of the event, market expectations and the company’s recent activities. A new addition to the P5 family was introduced at an event held at Durst Group’s headquarters in Brixen, which we attended as Textilegence; We talked about the details of the new P5 X in our meeting with Christian Harder, Vice President of Sales. A.I.T. Digital Marketing Specialist Melih Yıldız evaluated the company’s sustainability-focused approaches in its activities as a distributor as well as being a software manufacturer to Textilegence.

While the impact of global economic conditions still shows its effects on the entire supply chain, investment news from the industry continues to come. Işıl Tekstil, which maintains to continuously develop its technological infrastructure and production capacity, has recently added the Rieter E90 combing machine, Trützschler blowroom and TC19i carding machine to its production line at its spinning facility. After acquiring 80% of Schoch & Co. Srl shares in 2019, Itema successfully completed the transaction by purchasing the remaining 20%.

Textilegence November December 2024 issue concludes the year with the latest news, exclusive interviews and event news from the textile and printing world.
Textilegence November December 2024 issue concludes the year with the latest news, exclusive interviews and event news from the textile and printing world

Textilegence November December 2024 issue ends the year with promising sustainability news

Private and public institutions around the world continue to implement sustainability-focused studies and revisions in the industry: a new report published by Zero Waste Europe shows that European cities are setting a precedent by taking action on fast fashion at the local level, even without strong guidance from governments. With the Re-Viste project starting in Spain, waste garments will be reused or recycled at a higher rate, instead of ending up in landfill. For the first time, a garment has been made from 100% textile waste. Fashion for Good has launched World of Waste, a free online tool that maps global textile waste hotspots and provides regional data on waste volume, composition and type. All this and more in our new issue. Enjoy reading!

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