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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Textilegence January February 2025 issue is now available!

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Tecpro Bilgi Teknolojileri Displays Neon Colors at Sign Istanbul

Tecpro Bilgi Teknolojileri Displays Neon Colors at Sign Istanbul

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Tecpro Bilgi Teknolojileri exhibited creative applications of digital printing technologies during Sign Istanbul, while underlining the potential of neon colors in advertising.

Tecpro Bilgi Teknolojileri sustained its approach of displaying artistic and industrial applications combined with a creative concept for visitors during Sign Istanbul 2016 as it does in every fair. Demonstrating the printing areas enabled by Epson printers via sample prints, Tecpro was pleased with the overall interest during the exhibition. The company emphasized neon colors at its booth this year.

Tecpro Bilgi Teknolojileri Owner İbrahim İlhan said they are improving their concept further every year. Their booth hosted samples of printing applications on fabric, wood/parquet, promotional items, metal coatings, ceramic and canvas, while the company continues to proceed with studies for printing on tough surfaces. İlhan highlighted, “Our Research&Development studies proceed in that way. For instance, we have focused on transfer printing to 50% polyester and %50 cotton fabrics and developed fresh solutions. Another innovation is neon colors which refer to applications in several industries. We added those to our product range under the name NonTec for spots to be highlighted and require difference. We are very pleased to exhibit our work to our visitors with high quality Epson printers throughout Sing 2016.”

Neon colors can be used on various materials including fabric. İlhan noted, “These colors are naturally contrary and say “I’m here”, grabs attention. Neon colors have great potential in indoor applications, booths and kiosks in particular.”

İbrahim İlhan

365 Days Long Fair at Tecpro Center

Tecpro Bilgi Teknolojileri arranged special price campaigns during Sign Istanbul 2016. Plus, the company provides a 365 days long fair atmosphere for customers, thanks to the demo-center at Tecpro’s headquarter in Istanbul. İlhan continued, “Our customers have a chance to take sample prints and examine our machines at our 250 meter square demo-center which we opened 3 years ago. Our partners are already advantageous for the whole year, because we offer 2 years warranty including printing head. We promise original textile inks for our customers, which has certificate of suitability regarding human health and environment as well as laboratory tests. Tecpro’s headships located in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir provides 7/24 services via service structuring. In addition, we have nearly 200 service points related to us across Turkey. All of them create a power that provides unique advantages.”

İlhan stated that customer demands and changing market dynamics dominate their R&D studies, underlining that an innovation for sellable cost grabs interest from the market. Cost is a crucial factor in decision making within such a tough competition area, he said, adding that Tecpro considers cost factor while launching innovations for the market.

We Should not be Pessimistic from the Future

Turkey struggled with severe issue in 2016, while as nation we should not be pessimistic about the future, according to İbrahim İlhan. “Let’s look through this way, our country is on a bouncing platform and constantly tries to bounce up with heavy weights on its feet. Turkey tries to bounce up despite these weights and partially succeeds. The more it gets stronger via bounces, the more its weights increase. Once we get rid of these weights, I believe that we will achieve a good upwards momentum. We are not pessimistic about 2017 or afterwards. We work for more than 4000 customers, create employment and produce innovations as we trust in Turkey and the future,” he ended.

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