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Swissmem Has A Very Positive View On The Global Market

TopicalSwissmem Has A Very Positive View On The Global Market

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First half of the year in the global market was very satisfying for Swiss textile manufacturers who expect to deliver 20-25% more machines to the Turkish until the end of this year.

Swiss textile machine manufacturers represented by Swiss Textile Manufacturers Association – Swissmem, are efficiently reaching global markets with their product portfolios covering all the segments including fiber to yarn, weaving to knitting, finishing to printing and technic textiles. With the extremely effective FACTOR+ campaign that has been going on strong for years, the advantages provided by Swiss brands are shown in all important textile markets. So how was the first year for Swiss manufacturers? SSM Chairman of the Board and Swissmem President Ernesto Maurer answered that question and more for us.

First half of the year in the global market was very satisfying for Swiss textile manufacturers
First half of the year in the global market was very satisfying for Swiss textile manufacturers

Ernesto Maurer indicates the first half of 2017 showed an increase in orders placed from a global market point of view but the only market still having its difficulties or respectively slow-down is China he says. Maurer; “this being a result of their heavy investments in the past years, inevitably leading to over-capacities.” The expectations for the Turkish market have been fulfilled or even surmounted according to Maurer; “Many of our Swiss manufacturers are confident to surpass the 2016 market figures in 2017”.

Maurer enclosed that the Swiss machine manufacturers experience positive indications from the Turkish market for the second half of 2017. Maurer; “Especially the Polyester market will increase a lot after the new quota regulations. The carpet area in Gaziantep for example will need a lot of machines in order to cover the market needs. In terms of order placements the Swiss textile machine manufacturers we expect an increase of 20-25% compared to the previous year.”

Turkish manufacturers will not lose their strength in global market

Despite of some Turkish politicians who consider the textile industry as a burden for their budget, the textile market will not lose its power in the near future says Ernesto Maurer. “The investments have not been done in vain” underlines Maurer, he continues saying to the contrary, the Turkish textile market will continue to flourish. Maurer; “the devaluation of the Turkish Lira puts a heavy burden on those entrepreneur who invest in European textile machinery. On the other hand it makes them more competitive around the world. In difficult times as an entrepreneur you are very happy if your investments of the past year where not short-sighted and short-lived decisions.”

One aspect that influences the trends and demands is the “survival instinct” of the Turkish textile manufacturers informs Maurer, political disruptions let them struggle for only a short time, but they are able to stand up very fast and show courage for the future. Maurer; “they place orders for textile machines in times where many European competitors would remain paralyzed. Many factory owners and Patrons assume their responsible for the employees and don’t let them fall in difficult times.”

Maurer describes the other aspect in favour of the industry being the financial injections of the Turkish government for new investments. Maurer underlines that although there is uncertainty in the economic environment, the entrepreneurs keep on investing; “some of the machine suppliers made the mistake to mix up their views of the political government with their support for textile market. There are a lot of customers who disagree with the recent developments of the political situation, nevertheless they activated their mentioned “survival instinct”.”

Swissmem fully supports its members

Ernesto Maurer informs that Swissmem is supporting its member companies by organizing symposiums and other market intelligence data and reminds that just recently they have organized a symposium in Cairo. Maurer; “the Swiss machine manufacturers demonstrated their interest in supporting the re-emerging of the Egyptian market. This two-day symposium was well attended by more than 400 textile companies, government agencies and financing institutions.”

Ernesto Maurer concluded saying most of the Swiss textile machine manufacturer are looking forward to participating in the ITM Fair taking place in İstanbul in 2018 if confidence in security and safety is improved.

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