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Great Interest in Mimaki Eurasia’s Sectoral Support Campaign

PrintingGreat Interest in Mimaki Eurasia’s Sectoral Support Campaign

- Printing News Sponsor -

Great Interest in Mimaki Eurasia’s Sectoral Support Campaign - Arjen Evertse
Great Interest in Mimaki Eurasia’s Sectoral Support Campaign – Arjen Evertse

Great interest in Mimaki Eurasia’s sectoral support campaign. Mimaki Eurasia started a campaign at FESPA Eurasia 2018 in order to support the Turkish printing industry and became the central point of the show with their printing solutions. Mimaki Eurasia exhibited their advertising/graphic and textile printing applications in two separate booths, revealing their commitment and faith in the printing industry.

Mimaki Eurasia, the main sponsor of the digital printing fair FESPA Eurasia 2018, was able to attract great attention through their message of strong sectoral support. Mimaki exhibited advertising and industrial printing solutions in Hall 10 and textile printing solutions in its booth at Hall 9, and turned into a centre of attraction of the fair with a user-focused comprehensive portfolio. FESPA Eurasia visitors experienced an unforgettable Mimaki experience for pre-processing, printing and post-processing.

Pleasing volume and productivity of meetings

Underlining the success of FESPA Eurasia 2018, Mimaki Eurasia General Manager Arjen Evertse said that they were pleased with the volume and productivity of the meetings. Evertse; “The intensity, from the first day of the fair was really nice. We have seen the positive response to the FESPA team’s work for overseas visitors. We hosted many foreign visitors at our booth in the first two days. Considering the whole of the fair, I can say that visitors from the Turkish printing industry constitute the main visitor category. We have realized productive meetings with our visitors in our hospitality area about their investments and the opportunities to expand their business.”

Evertse noted that the fair became the meeting point of the digital printing industry, and was a successful platform for hot sales as well. He continued his words saying; “In recent years, hot sales or order agreements did not take place in the fairs a lot. There was mostly an agreement for more forward-looking negotiations. However, FESPA Eurasia reminded how important fairs are for sales. We have realized significant sales in both industrial advertising and textile segments”. Evertse also stated that installations for some of the sales done during the fair had already started before the exhibition finished.

Great Interest in Mimaki Eurasia’s Sectoral Support Campaign
Great Interest in Mimaki Eurasia’s Sectoral Support Campaign

Sectoral Support Campaign will last until 31 January 2019

Underlining Mimaki Eurasia’s commitment to Turkey and the digital printing industry, Arjen Evertse; “We believe in Turkey and its manufacturing power. We will continue to provide every kind of support we can give the industry in order to strengthen it and improve our users’ competitive position”. Evertse reminded that they have started a campaign covering up to 25% discount in various machine groups on the first day of FESPA Eurasia 2018, and said that it was the right time to invest.

“We want to support the Turkish market and investors with this campaign, which runs until 31 January 2019” said Evertse and continued as follows; “There are many print and advertising companies that want to invest. We have shown that this is the most favourable time period for sector professionals; who were waiting on their investment due to the fluctuation in the market; and who want to realize it as soon as possible”.

Mimaki Eurasia solutions dominate both halls

Mimaki Eurasia exhibited textile and digital printing/advertising printing solutions in 2 different halls. UV flatbed, roll-to-roll UV print/cut solutions were featured in the Hall 10 booth that addressed advertising and industrial printing. The TS30-1300 models were exhibited here with SIJ-320UV, JFX200-2513, CJV300-160, UCJV300-75 / 160, UJF-3042MkII EX, UJF-7151plus. Arjen Evertse stated that UCJV is already a very popular model in the market; “Our visitors have been curiously interested in the printing shown on copper film with the use of our superior UV-LED technology; and in the new improved clear printing with special effects on silver film. They also experienced the unique 5-layer printing opportunity. They were also able to test our newly released silver metallic print ink on the Mimaki UJF-7151plus. Our technical information and successful results on the sample prints have affected the new investment decisions positively”.

Completely dedicated to textile, the pre-processing and post-processing units were exhibited for the first time; in addition to the well-known digital printers at Mimaki Eurasia’s booth in Hall 9. Mimaki TR300-1850C/S coating and steaming units save cost and time in textile printing. Evertse emphasized that these products meet a significant need in the market; “Especially textile manufacturers from Bursa expressed their strong demands on these solutions. These positive feedbacks are very important for us, because as Mimaki; we have proved that we are offering full solutions for digital textile printing; which goes beyond the offering of just printers”.

Another favourite: TS55-1800

Another favourite of the textile booth was the TS55-1800 printer launched in the past months. Its high-speed features and the mini jumbo roll for the mid-segment manufacturers have attracted a lot of visitors. The Tx300P available both with belt and without belt can print directly onto fabric with different ink technologies; enabling users to take on more niche and boutique jobs.

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