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Lenzing Gives A New Definition to Softness in Textiles

SpinningLenzing Gives A New Definition to Softness in Textiles

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Lenzing Gives A New Definition to Softness in Textiles
Lenzing Gives A New Definition to Softness in Textiles

Lenzing Gives A New Definition to Softness in Textiles – Focusing on real softness in textiles, Lenzing is presenting a new method to measure softness together with the German instrument manufacturers, Emtec Electronic.

Lenzing participated in Premiere Vision Istanbul on October 19-21 and gave a new definition to softness in textiles. The company presented a new method to measure softness as objective and standard instead of subjective and unclear measure of hand touching together with the German instrument manufacturers, Emtec Electronic.

A press meeting was held on the first day of the fair with participation of Lenzing Business Development and Marketing Manager Turkey, the Middle East and Africa Hale Saraçoğlu and Emtec Electronics Sales and Marketing Department Executive Florian Neupert as they shared details. The softness of the textile is an important parameter for comfortable clothing, Saraçoğlu said, adding, “How people perceive softness is, however, something that differs from person to person and is determined by how the textile and the skin interact. Lenzing’s global innerwear survey which included underwear, sleeping wear, man knitting overdress and women knitting overdress, softness appeared to be the most important factor in purchasing.

Lenzing was searching for an easier, more stable and objective method to measure softness, while the company’s cooperation with Emtec Electronics started at this point. Saraçoğlu noted, “Lenzing already tests fabrics with ring method. Also, Tissue Softness Analyzer – TSA device that belongs to Emtec Electronics is well known in the paper tissue industry and measures the softness of different products in this field. More than 100 fabrics were used for the test on Lenzing fibers to see whether this device can be used for textiles. Following the results, we realized that they were in line with touching test.”

Lenzing Gives A New Definition to Softness in Textiles: Softness is Tested With Sound Spectrum

Tests were then performed together between Lenzing and Emtec to prepare a suitable algorithm for the device software which determines softness using a Sound-Spectrum. “TSA has an edgy fabric and ceramic knives turning on it. The friction sounds from knives are recorded by microphones under the fabric. Sound spectrum depends on the softness of fibre, the fibre of fabric and stiffness of fabric. Sound values below 2000hz gives us its roughness/smoothness of the fabric; while values between 5000-7000hz reveal the real softness feeling figures. Our parameters here are fibre toughness, wrench power, inner structure, micro/macro compressibility, softeners; and other chemicals used on the fabric,” Saraçoğlu explained.

Tests with TSA reveals results for roughness/smoothness and real felt softness value; while other tests are also made with the same terms; including cotton, cotton/Lenzing Modal, Lenzing Modal, MicroModal and viscon fabric. The test result itself shows that MicroModal® is the softest fiber of all the fibers tested. Results from another physical test, ring also show that MicroModal® is the softest fiber,” Saraçoğlu mentioned.

Lenzing created a new softness standard by using both TSA and ring methods. The higher the amount of Lenzing Modal® used in the textile, the softer it becomes. Modal and MicroModal fibre family sustains its softness even after 5 washing.

All Tests Take Less Than a Minute

Emtec Electronics Sales and Marketing Department Executive Florian Neupert stated that; the company was established in 1995 to develop test systems mostly for paper industry. Neupert noted, “There are too many innovations and high technologies in textiles, whereas methods to test softness are quite simple. There are two methods to realize softness with hands. In the first one, you move your hand in a particular speed to try to understand the softness degree. In the second, you test softness via wrinkling the fabric in your hand. However, as this is a subjective test, it differs depending on person and culture. We are able to test real fabric softness, smoothness and stiffness easily in an objective way with our TSA device.”

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