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Kornit Vulcan Wins ‘2017 Product of the Year’ Award

PrintingKornit Vulcan Wins ‘2017 Product of the Year’ Award

- Printing News Sponsor -

Kornit Digital (NASDAQ:KRNT) has announced that it received the SGIA’s prestigious 2017 Product of the Year Award for the Kornit Vulcan, in the category “Direct-to-garment printers (Color Shirt – Not White)”. The Vulcan will be on display at the 2017 SGIA Expo in New Orleans (10-12 October)), in Kornit’s booth # 1617.

Kornit Vulcan: the profitable alternative to screen printing carousels

Kornit Vulcan Wins ‘2017 Product of the Year’ Award
Kornit’in Vulcan modeli konfeksiyona direkt baskıda yeni bir alternatif oluşturuyor.

Kornit’s Vulcan, the most advanced direct-to-garment printing solution of its kind, allows garment decorators to produce small to medium print runs in a profitable way. This heavy-duty production system is targeted to screen printers producing collections and short runs for retailers and promotional purposes.

The Vulcan offers the lowest cost per print for run lengths between 50 and 500 garments. Unlike Kornit’s traditional direct-to-garment printing systems. the Vulcan sports a conveyor system for the printed pallets with pre-treatment, white and CMYKRG printing taking place in parallel. The Vulcan’s unique sequential architecture allows it to print up to 250 garments per hour, both on dark and light garments.

The SGIA Award

More than 70 companies competed in the 2017 Product of the Year Awards, submitting 222 entries over the competition’s 49 categories. The largest field of competitors in the awards program’s history. Ray Weiss, SGIA’s Digital Imaging Specialist, coordinated the yearly awards program and said competition was tight. “The judges struggled to choose winners in the output device categories, because the print quality was so good and so close from entry to entry. That’s great news for the printing industry,” said Weiss. “Kornit’s award was well-earned!”

The coveted Product of the Year jewel awards will be presented in a special ceremony Monday, October 9, in conjunction with the 2017 SGIA Expo, and exhibitors will be able to display them in their booths.


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