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Kornit Digital Textile Design Contest Awarded Young Talents

TopicalKornit Digital Textile Design Contest Awarded Young Talents

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Kornit Digital Textile Design Contest Awarded Young Talents
Kornit Digital Textile Design Contest Awarded Young Talents

Held with the partnership of Kornit Digital, its Turkish agent Tetaş A.Ş., and Marmara University Fine Arts Faculty Textile Design Department, Digital Printing Design Contest’s winners are announced at FESPA Eurasia 2016 fair. Başak Koç who is chosen as the first will be hosted at FESPA Hamburg 2017 fair as the guest of Kornit Digital.

Kornit Digital and its Turkish agent Tetaş A.Ş., met digital printing sector at FESPA Eurasia 2016 held in İstanbul-CNR Expo between the dates of 8-11 December 2016. Kornit Digital was shown a great interest during the fair with its direct to textile printing machine presented in Hall 4. Carrying out another event at the fair, Kornit Digital performed the ‘Textile Printing Design Contest’s final and award ceremony held among Marmara University Fine Arts Faculty Design Department students at its booth.

Chosen as the first, Başak Koç took her prize from Kornit Digital EMEA Sales Director Roger Albert; chosen as the second Büşra Balota took her prize from Kornit Digital Turkey Manager Doğa İpek and chosen as the third, Gülsüm Turan took her prize from Tetaş Textile Digital Printing Machineries Technical Service Director Engin Arabacı. Giving a speech at the award ceremony, Roger Albert wished for success to all students who are placed in the competition. Stating that this contest was an important step for their future careers, Albert continued thusly;

‘As Kornit Digital we emphasize value-added manufacturing in our innovative digital printing systems and solutions. We consider design as an inseparable and fundamental component of this. Our leading mission which is making creative designs’ come true with Kornit solutions, will be continued. That’s why we will go on giving more support to young talents.’

An achievement certificate was given to each student ranked as the first 10 in the competition. The winner of Design Contest Başak Koç will be hosted at FESPA Hamburg fair organized in 2017 with Kornit Digital’s covering all the expenses. The designs of the first three winners of the contest will meet with professionals coming from the global market in Kornit Digital booth at FESPA Hamburg.

Finalists took place in the award ceremony
Finalists took place in the award ceremony
Tetaş – Kornit Digital Printing Seminar Attracted Great Interest

Stating that there is a strong collaboration between Tetaş and Marmara University; Engin Arabacı expressed that the university organized a half day seminar with Kornit on 1st of November in Acıbadem campus of the school. Arabacı told that digital printing technologies, production processes, chemicals, dyes and generally all major topics were discussed at the seminar; that attracted great interest of Textile Design Department’s students.

Arabacı said; ‘We are very glad with the students’ great interest. We are in a close collaboration with them. Also head of the department Mr. Biret Tavman being in the first place, all the other professors value this collaboration very much. The management of the department make effort for students’ working with the industry, designs’ coming true and providing more assistance to the sector. In order to make students’ creativity and designs realize; we are carrying on printing projects with our Kornit Digital machines in the showroom placed at Tetaş central office. We give great value for these projects in terms of the future of the sector.’

Kornit Digital aims to strengthen the collaboration between sector and academy

Kornit Digital Turkey Manager Doğa İpek said; that their aims with the seminar and contest; are to strengthen the collaboration between sector and academy; and to stress the essential importance of the design for a value-added manufacturing. İpek continued thusly; ‘Kornit Digital supports these organizations or performs various events and contests putting forward the design. A very similar organizaton is carried out in the USA with FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology / New York); and it attracts great interest.  We organized the Turkish version of this event with Marmara University for the first time. We are planning to perform this event in Turkey every year.’

The designs of students were printed with direct to textile printing machine Storm Hexa in Design Contest. Providing a production with a wider range of colour pallet as CMYKRG+White, Storm Hexa has 50x70cm print volume. A perfect direct printing up to 1200dpi resolution to; cotton, polyester, cotton-polyester mixture, lycra, viscose , silk, leather, denim fabric, linen and wool fabrics can be done with Storm Hexa; which is based on Kornit Digital’s NeoPigmentTM technology.

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