GOTS updated its criteria for a strong sustainability chain


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The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), the world’s premier processing standard for certified organic fibres, experienced significant milestones in 2023. In addition to the increasing number of GOTS-certified facilities, to the release of the new standard version, GOTS continued to be a guide for businesses trying to navigate changing legislation, social and environmental demands.

Türkiye ranks third in the world with the number of GOTS-approved businesses

For GOTS, 2023 culminated with 25 Global Organic Textile Standard-approved certification bodies reporting a noteworthy 14,676 certified facilities (an 8% growth from 2022) in 89 countries. In 2023, GOTS continued to attract interest from Turkish brands and entrepreneurs, as well as manufacturers. While the number of approved businesses increased from 1657 to 1700, an increase of 3% was achieved. With these figures, Türkiye ranked third in the world in terms of the number of approved businesses.

GOTS Version 7.0 offers a comprehensive solution for organic textile producers

As of 1 March, facilities that become Global Organic Textile Standard-certified will operate under the new GOTS Version 7.0, released in March 2023 with a one-year transition period. GOTS Version 7.0 and its accompanying Implementation Manual provide a comprehensive solution for companies who want to produce organic textiles and be supported to ensure compliance with environmental and human rights due diligence along the entire value chain, from field to finished product.

Claudia Kersten, Managing Director of Global Standard, said; “At GOTS’ core is providing solutions. GOTS was always instrumental for pioneers in the textile industry to voluntarily demonstrate their commitment to sustainable value chains, as a risk management tool and for operational efficiency,” and added that with the new and upcoming supply chain regulations, GOTS acquired the additional role of helping companies show compliance with laws.

GOTS Version 7.0 also introduced a six-step due diligence process and handbook that equips GOTS-certified operations to proactively identify, assess and mitigate adverse impacts throughout their value chains.

GOTS initiated in 2023 two major projects in India, the globe’s largest producer of organic cotton   Image Source: GOTS
GOTS initiated in 2023 two major projects in India, the globe’s largest producer of organic cotton Image Source: GOTS

GOTS collaborated with the European Space Agency and Marple for the organic cotton project

The Global Organic Textile Standard initiated in 2023 two major projects in India, the globe’s largest producer of organic cotton. To ensure linkage between farm and ginning units, data on organic unseeded raw cotton were collected from farmers or farmer groups who were producers. This project, implemented in the 2022-23 harvest season, also increased integrity.

In a world first, the Global Organic Textile Standard, the European Space Agency (ESA) and software company Marple launched a new project that aims to show the potential for remote satellite monitoring of organic cotton cultivation systems. The project trained artificial intelligence (AI) to use ESA satellite data to detect cotton fields across India and automatically classify them according to their cultivation standard. By integrating standardised yield metrics, this innovative approach will enable GOTS to generate realistic estimates of organic cotton yields in specific areas. In addition, the project is expected to empower GOTS to recognise cotton fields that have not yet obtained organic certification but possess the potential for a transition to organic cultivation. The first results of the project will be announced in June.

Consumer awareness campaign #Behindtheseams reached more than 21 million people

GOTS, in its ongoing commitment to stakeholder education, orchestrated in November an immersive 360-degree awareness and educational campaign. Successfully engaging both consumers and industry professionals, the #Behindtheseams initiative shined a spotlight on GOTS-certified companies and their products, which empowered consumers to make more conscientious choices while shopping. With a turnout of over 250 certified entities, the campaign made a significant global impact, reaching more than 21 million unique individuals worldwide.

Engin Buz
Engin Buz
After graduating from the Department of Journalism in the Faculty of Communication at Ankara University, Mr. Engin Buz completed his master's degree in Yıldız Technical University's Department of Political Science and International Relations. In 2000, he began his career as a reporter working in various publishing companies and he has prepared culture-art and economic news. Working as an editor in publications for the textile industry since 2009, Buz has started to work at Textilegence established in 2013. Engin Buz is currently preparing business news for the textile and digital printing industries prominently.

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