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Epson Keeps the Pulse of the Market with Innovative Solutions

PrintingEpson Keeps the Pulse of the Market with Innovative Solutions

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Epson Keeps the Pulse of the Market with Innovative Solutions
Epson Keeps the Pulse of the Market with Innovative Solutions

Epson keeps the pulse of the market with innovative solutions. Epson has several unique technologies from print heads to printers, and they continue to develop new solutions with their market reputation. The company obtains significant market figures in both industrial and graphic as well as textile printing in the Turkish market.

A digital printing technology developer and one of strongest players of the market, Epson has an important place in Turkish market with several different product groups. Epson, which provides solutions for digital printing and digital advertising as well as industrial advertising and graphics, offers advantages to Turkish print manufacturers with their unique printing technology. Epson Turkey Commercial and Industrial Products Channel Manager Ersel Şamiloğlu both assessed the market and gave information about their new solutions in an exclusive interview for Textilegence.

Disclosing that in 2018 Epson has reached their target in Turkish market, Şamiloğlu said that the second half of the year was a financially difficult period. Şamiloğlu expressed the following; “In general, there has been a problem in the cash flow of the companies doing business. Some investments were kept in the large format printing segment and some were postponed. From a financial point of view, every business has tried to secure itself. The existing structure continued as far as possible, and the enterprises continued to acquire our products only if necessary. We, as Epson, have been on the side of our customers and supported them to make the best decision in their investments. We continue to increase our effective sales and service points”.

Mostly sold in 2018 were the textile printing solutions

Ersel Şamiloğlu underlined that 2017 was a bright year in terms of sales and underlined that the same level is maintained in 2018. Şamiloğlu announced that mostly textile printing solutions were sold in the Turkish market last year. Şamiloğlu stated that Epson had become a part of industrial textile production by adding Robustelli brand 3 years ago and continued saying; “With Robustelli Evo Tre you can do reactive, acid, disperse, pigment and sublimation printing. We have 16 and 32 head models of this printer. Depending on the resolution and print head count, you can have digital textile printing from 291 m² to 658 m²”.

Epson Keeps the Pulse of the Market with Innovative Solutions - Ersel Şamiloğlu
Epson Keeps the Pulse of the Market with Innovative Solutions – Ersel Şamiloğlu

Epson has an important recognition with print heads

Ersel Şamiloğlu noted that Epson is a brand that develops and manufactures their own print head technology; and underlined that they have a great reputation in the market. Stating that Epson continuously develops print head technology; Şamiloğlu said that he plans to raise efficiency and productivity by increasing the performance criteria. Şamiloğlu said “So, Epson keeps the pulse of the inkjet printing technology market by producing value-added products,”; and informed that companies focusing on value-adding consider Epson products indispensable and follow the latest technologies.

Saying that recently, especially the new generation PrecisionCore printing technology draws attention in the market; Şamiloğlu continued his speech as follows; “Our PrecisionCore heads are sold under the Epson brand with 100 percent Epson-based printers and inks, ensuring maximum benefit to users. This gives us an advantage by creating 100 percent customer satisfaction and reinforcing our credibility once again. We are moving forward with a corporate culture that aims to be the best”.

Epson keeps the pulse: new inkjet applications offer opportunities

In the context of rapid development in digital printing, Ersel Şamiloğlu; when we askes which segments Epson wants to grow, gave us a clear future perspective. Emphasizing that Epson has taken place in every industry where wide format printers are used; “We continue our way with our main products and complementary products in this industry. When we look closely at our product range, I can list the following; industrial label printers, photographic printers, color management, screen printing and proofing printers, indoor and outdoor advertising printers, printers in many different models that you can use in all areas of textiles, t-shirts and promotional printers, CAD printers. Only Epson owns so many products under one brand in so many sectors”.

Describing their 2019 Turkish market target; Ersel Şamiloğlu announced that they are aiming to reach a higher business volume than 2018. Şamiloğlu stated that they are progressing by offering new models to the market; “Financial solutions will be needed as there will be difficulties in the market due to cash shortages and lending. Our other advantage is seen here. Our business partners can provide great benefits in payment for Epson users. Thus, the availability of our solutions increases”.

Şamiloğlu reminded that Epson is represented by Lidya Grup, Tecpro Bilgi Teknolojileri and Ocak Elektronik in the Turkish market; and their rich product portfolio and technical support is offered through these partners support; and he added that they will continue to offer new surprise products.

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