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Eco-Label Period Starts in Turkey

TopicalEco-Label Period Starts in Turkey

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Eco-Label period starts in Turkey
Eco-Label period starts in Turkey

Turkey starts eco-label application for the first time in textile, paper and ceramics industries.

Turkey finally adopts the eco-label system widely used in Europe. National Eco-Label System Set up Project which will let consumers differentiate between environmentally hazardous and environment friendly products has been finalized. 3 different products will be eco-labelled in textile, paper and ceramics group in this context for the first time in Turkey, thus it will initialize the eco-label application.

Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning announced the finalization of “National Eco-Label System Set up Project” which has Directorate General of Environmental Impact Assessment, Permit and Inspection as the beneficiary and has started in June 14, 2017 as a part of Support Activities to Strengthen the European Integration Process (SEI). The project aims to customize the eco-label directives and environment applications as part of EU Environment body of knowledge to our country. In this context, strengthening the institutional capacity, increasing the public awareness about eco label are amongst the main objectives.

3 different products will be eco-labelled; in textile, paper and ceramics group in the scope of this project for the first time in Turkey. Meeting the criteria, products from 2 textile industry firms; 2 paper industry firms and 3 ceramic industry firms; will receive eco-label. Thus Turkey will transition to eco-label system.

A logo contest has also been organized for the eco-label in project’s context.  The logo will be chosen between 85 logos among 73 admissions after the initial assessment.

What will the Eco-Label bring?

National Eco-Label System covering every step of a product from raw material acquisition to recycling will be a guide for clean production, an instrument for sustainable consumption and against faux environment friendliness. The system will provide choice information to consumers for environment friendly products.

With this system, energy efficiency, waste minimization and product management will also be incentivised. Thus, the public awareness will be increased about environmentally hazardous and environment friendly products including the production process. The system will help products under its coverage to get into an advantageous position both in import and export markets.

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