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Bekir Öz: We Can Navigate Through Rough Seas

PrintingBekir Öz: We Can Navigate Through Rough Seas

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Bekir Öz expressed his goals in the market
Bekir Öz expressed his goals in the market

Lidya Grup 2018 Summit, taking place in Antalya welcomed company employees as well as the senior officials of the brands Xerox, Epson and EFI they are representing. Group President Bekir Öz emphasized that they will succeed despite the difficulties.

One of the strongest suppliers of digital printing industry, Lidya Grup came together with over 100 of their employees from all around the country as well as the senior officials of the brands Xerox, Epson and EFI they are representing at Lidya Grup 2018 Summit. A group meeting and a following Gala Dinner was organized at the summit; that took place in Antalya 19 – 21 January 2018. Thank you plaques has been rewarded to employees working for 5, 10 and 15 years and; to employees showing exceptional success in 2017 for different categories at the Gala Dinner. It has also been announced in the meeting; that the work will continue by enlarging the target, in the success journey that has been going on for 17 years.

In the group meeting of the Summit organized in Saturday the 20th of January; Lidya Grup Board Chairman Bekir Öz, Managing Consultant Rıza Başoğlu, Lidya Grup Corporate Sales Director Betül Kayacık, Lidya Grup İstanbul Corporate Sales Manager Özge Öktem and Xerox Turkey Sales Manager Özgür Şenol, EFI Turkey, Middle East and North Africa Regions Sales Manager Nathalie Hızveren and Epson Turkey Pro-Graphic Products Pre-Sales Expert Hayri Şenol gave speeches consequently.

Bekir Öz said that Lidya Grup’s DNA is growth focused

Describing Lidya Grup’s DNA as growth focused, Lidya Grup Board Chairman Bekir Öz said; “For us, whatever the conditions are; our energy and morale is always at its peak, our goals are high and most importantly our capital is strong. We can continue to navigate through any rough sea. 2018, will be a milestone that will take its place in Lidya Grup history. All together, we will continue to add new successes to our existing ones.”

Bekir Öz vocalized Lidya Grup focus was always growing and new opportunities since the day it has been founded. “Step by step, we have carried Lidya Grup to the peak, as a leading brand of the industry. Lidya Grup’s DNA is growth focused. We will continue our success with the 3 brands we are representing. We firmly believe it as a team. We can obtain over 20% growth this year.”

Lidya Grup Managing Consultant Rıza Başoğlu has informed about today and tomorrow’s work patterns.

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