Brückner, the manufacturer of coating and finishing textile machinery, will be ready to present its latest innovative solutions at Techtextil 2024 to be organised on April 23-26 in Frankfurt. At Booth B45 in Hall 12.0, the company will be waiting for its visitors to tell its technologies’ advantages, especially in terms of energy efficiency via visual tools such as videos and 3D animations.
Brückner’s innovative heating systems provide more energy efficiency
Brückner Advertising & Marketing Department Head Verena Ruckh explained that first and foremost, they will be exhibiting their developments in the field of sustainability and energy efficiency at Techtextil, saying: “This includes, for example, our new and innovative heating systems. Driven by the energy crisis and the constant focus on energy-efficient solutions, new possibilities to combine different heating media like gas, steam, oil or electricity have been developed. In addition, BRÜCKNER also offers burners which can be operated with hydrogen in the future. These combination possibilities allow the textile finisher maximum flexibility in the choice of the energy carrier.”

Stating that another exciting development is solutions for the purely electric heating of industrial ovens using heat pumps, which BRÜCKNER offers together with a partner, Ruckh disclosed: “In the present situation and with a view to the future, these new types of heating offer decisive advantages: Green hydrogen and/or electricity reduce the dependence on fossil raw materials and contribute considerably to minimise the CO2 footprint.”
The exhibition will be enriched with 3D animations
Verena Ruckh expressed that they will not be exhibiting any large machines at Techtextil 2024 but they will enrich the exhibition experience with pictures, videos or 3D animations of the desired systems to interested parties and explain the functions and benefits much easier in that way. Ruckh added that they expect the majority of visitors to come from Europe, saying: “The European countries are still the most important sales market for us in the technical textiles sector, so we are hoping for many visitors and constructive discussions.”